
MQF Level 5 Award in Public Speaking and Speechwriting

Course Description

Effective public speaking, speechwriting and presentation skills are important because they help keep a presentation interesting, help the presenter communicate effectively with confidence, and motivate the audience to listen. This course targets anyone whose role or position entails speaking publicly, presenting projects or ideas and writing speeches for oneself or others.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course programme, students will be able to:

  • Understand the main theories and models of communication.
  • Understand the the importance of effective communication both the verbal and non-verbal type.
  • Understanding the importance of the choice of words in speeches.
  • The importance of knowing one’s audience.
  • Understanding the importance of writing, speaking and presenting in way that the audience remembers the message.
  • Describe the benefits of verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Ability to plan, design and implement oral communication strategies.
  • Describe the way how effective speeches and presentations are to be prepared.
  • Ability to be an effective speaker and communicator.
  • Be able to make use of humour in an intelligent way to enhance message to be communicated.
  • Be able to evaluate speeches and presentations.
  • Establish a high standard of practical techniques when dealing with a difficult audience or with sensitive subjects.
  • Demonstrate ability to speak effectively in any situation even in challenging ones.
  • Demonstrate quick decision making skills and excellent judgemental skills factoring ‘live’ feedback received from audience whether even when this is not expected or planned.
  • Exhibit effective, creative and impactful presentations.
  • Exhibit effective, imaginative, creative and persuasive writing and speaking.

Target Candidates

The Award is aimed at Politicians,  Company executives, Lawyers, Sales professionals, Managers, Medical practitioners, Students


Course Code Duration Credit Value Next Intake FT/PT
LW/M/012 4 months 6 ECTS April 2025 PT
Contact Hours Placement Hours Self Study Hours Assessment Hours Total Learning Hours
36 3 108 3 150

Mode of Training

Face-to-Face lectures, Workshops, Learning Quizzes, Discussion and Practical Sessions


Oral Presentations, Assignment

Awarding Body

Learning Works

Course Structure

Module 1: Principles of Effective Communication (2 ECTS)

Effective communication is essential and this is highlighted in this module. Participants are introduced to the principles of adult education and the different learning styles are discussed. Another area which is highlighted in this session is stage fright and the importance of befriending the butterflies. This is a phenomenon that one must learn to control and use to one’s advantage. Participants are encouraged to think of any presentation as a friendly conversation rather than a formal speech. Communication with confidence is the key.

Participants are shown how to prepare a compelling public speech and presentation, while highlighting the importance of knowing the audience. Preparation is crucial for delivering a great presentation. Even with material with which you are very confident, neglecting the planning stage is always risky. A frame for the content of the presentation is provided. Presentation points need to be arranged and structured appropriately in order to maximise effectiveness and logical persuasion.

Module 2: The Art of Delivering a Speech or a Presentation (2 ECTS)

Careful preparation is the key to successful public speaking. They will also discover how to convey messages using their voice and body, and how to deal with eye contact. The issue of stage fright is also a focus of this module, as participants are shown how to overcome this phenomenon and also how to handle any audience no matter how hostile. Impromptu speaking is also covered in this session. Good visual and audio aids can enhance a presentation to the extent that studies have found increases in information retention of up to 50%. The use of various digital tools which are available for public speaking and presentations are discussed in this section. Presentation software allows speakers to display information as slides, video and audio on a screen by using a personal computer, laptop, tablet and projector. Presentation software has become an important tool for most public speaking purposes. When presentation software is used effectively, audiences pay increased attention to speakers, understand main ideas better and retain information well.

The most creative aspect of language humour and it is one of the most important topics in the study of communication. This module also focuses on how humour can be used as a mechanism to enhance communication and build a healthy therapeutic relationship. Dr Patch Adams argues that caring is not a business transaction but a loving, creative, positive human interchange. This session is merely the first step.

Module 3: The Art of Speechwriting (2 ECTS)

Speeches have always been one of history’s most powerful forms of communication. They have always been and will continue to be, one of the greatest tools of message delivery. Although each speechwriter has a different purpose, what all great speechwriters have in common is a clear vision and clear message.

It is therefore vital to get speechwriting right as when it goes wrong it is at best, a lost opportunity and at worst, an unmitigated disaster. With such high stakes at a time where more speeches are required than ever before, as well as seen by thousands of people all around the world via social media outlets and video streaming platforms, the prospect of having to write and deliver one incites fear like little else.

This speechwriting module helps the learner to understand how to put together a compelling speech that powerfully communicates the message. With practical frameworks, case study analysis, and iterative practice, this training course on speechwriting helps learners to understand how to think about the different dimensions of the speechwriting process. Armed with that knowledge, they will be able to craft speeches that people remember.

Whereas in the first two modules the learner would have been exposed to the principles of effective communication and the art of delivering a speech or a presentation, this module presents the student with an opportunity to learn the intricacies of speech writing and to put what he/she would have learnt in practice.

Entry Requirements

  • It is expected that participants have a good command of oral and written communication in English with a level of proficiency equivalent to at least MQF Level 3.
  • Computer skills equivalent to at least an MQF Level 3 (eg ECDL) are also required since participants will be expected to make use of technology for public speaking, speechwriting and also for presentation skills which would entail the use of PowerPoint etc.

Apply Now


Price Policy:

  • All prices are applicable only for Maltese residents and EU citizens

All applicants must provide a digital copy of the following items, these can be uploaded after payment is complete. This is not required for Webinars:

  • ID Card (both sides) or Passport
  • Police Conduct (not older than 2 months) when the course requires it
  • Recent Photo or selfie
  • Certificates as per eligibility criteria

For further information about any of our courses, contact us via email [email protected]

You may apply for this course online by clicking on the Apply Now button above. Alternatively, you may request a form from our administration office in Qormi. International candidates who apply need to provide a copy of a valid Visa for Malta (where applicable) and passport with their application.